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Inviting Autumn Birds to Your Garden this Fall!

As autumn unfolds, you may have noticed that your garden is becoming a popular gathering spot for a variety of birds. Fall is a fantastic time to welcome our feathered friends to your outdoor space, providing them with food, shelter, and a safe haven during their migration or winter stay. In this blog post, we will share valuable tips on how to create a bird-friendly garden this autumn.

For that, let's explore some effective strategies for attracting and supporting birds in your garden this fall:

1. Choose Bird-Friendly Plants:

  • Opt for native plants that provide birds with food sources such as seeds, berries, and nectar.

  • Some excellent options for fall include sunflowers, coneflowers, and serviceberry shrubs.

2. Install Bird Feeders:

  • Bird feeders stocked with seeds or mealworms can be a bird magnet.

  • Place feeders strategically to create feeding stations and keep them filled throughout the season.

3. Provide Fresh Water:

  • Birds need water not only for drinking but also for bathing.

  • Install a birdbath or shallow water feature and clean it regularly to ensure freshness.

4. Offer Nesting Sites:

  • Plant trees and shrubs that provide suitable nesting sites for birds.

5. Add Birdhouses:

  • Place birdhouses in your garden to provide shelter and nesting opportunities for cavity-nesting birds like bluebirds and chickadees.

6. Maintain a Variety of Plants:

  • Diverse plant species attract a wider range of bird species.

  • Consider planting trees, shrubs, perennials, and annuals to provide different habitats and food sources.

Crafting a bird-friendly garden in the fall is a gratifying pursuit that not only benefits our winged companions but also grants you the joy of experiencing nature's beauty right in your own backyard. By adhering to these suggestions from The Garden Scapes Guys, you can fashion a welcoming oasis for birds during their migratory and winter sojourns. Keep in mind that bird-watching can be an enchanting and enlightening family activity, enhancing your garden's allure this autumn!

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